A Context-Free Grammar is a quadruple that consists of terminals,non-terminals, start symbol and productions.
Terminals: These are the basic symbols from which strings are formed.
Non-Terminals: These are the syntactic variables that denote a set of strings.
These help to define the language generated by the grammar.
Start Symbol: Onenon-terminal in the grammar is denoted as the “Start-symbol” and the set of strings it denotes is the language defined by the grammar.
Productions : It specifies the manner in which terminals and non-terminals can be combined to form strings. Each production consists of a non-terminal, followed by an arrow, followed by a string of non-terminals and terminals.
Example of context-free grammar:
The following grammar defines simple arithmetic expressions
: expr → expr op expr expr → (expr)
expr → – expr
expr → id
op → +
op → –
op → *
op → /
op → ↑
In this grammar,
id + – * / ↑ ( ) are terminals.
expr , op are non-terminals.
expr is the start symbol.
Each line is a production.
Two basic requirements for a grammar are :
1. To generate a valid string.
2. To recognize a valid string.
Derivation is a process that generates a valid string with the help of grammar by replacing the non-terminals on the left with the string on the right side of the production.
Example : Consider the following grammar for arithmetic expressions :
E→E+E|E*E|(E)|-E| id
To generate a valid string – ( id+id ) from the grammar the steps are
1. E → – E
2. E → – ( E )
3. E → – ( E+E )
4. E → – ( id+E )
5. E → – ( id+id )
In the above derivation,
E is the start symbol
-(id+id) is therequiredsentence(only terminals).
Strings such as E, -E, -(E), . . . are called sentinel forms.
Types of derivations:
The two types of derivation are:
1. Left most derivation
2. Right most derivation.
v In leftmost derivations, the leftmost non-terminal in each sentinel is always chosen first for replacement.
In rightmost derivations, the rightmost non-terminal in each sentinel is always chosen first for replacement.
Given grammar G : E → E+E | E*E | ( E ) | – E | id Sentence to be derived : – (id+id)
Left Most Derivation
Right Most Derivation
String that appear in leftmost derivation are called left sentinel forms.
String that appear in rightmost derivation are called right sentinel forms.
Given a grammar G with start symbol S, if S → α , where α may contain non-terminals or terminals, then α is called the sentinel form of G.
Yield or frontier of tree:
Each interior node of a parse tree is a non-terminal. The children of node can be a terminal or non-terminal of the sentinel forms that are read from left to right. The sentinel form in the parse tree is called yield or frontier of the tree.
A grammar that produces more than one parse for some sentence is said to be ambiguous
Example : Given grammar G : E → E+E | E*E | ( E ) | – E | id
The sentence id+id*id has the following two distinct leftmost derivations:
E → E+ E
E → E* E
E → id + E
E→E+ E * E
E → id + E * E
E → id + E * E
E → id + id * E
E → id + id * E
E → id + id * id
E → id + id * id
The two corresponding trees are,
Fig. 2.2 Two parse trees for id+id*id