Speech recognition and AI

Speech recognition and AI

When artificial intelligence (AI) evolved, it touched almost all facets of life and surroundings. Speech recognition is one such technology that is empowered by AI to add convenience to its users. This new technology has the power to convert voice messages to text. And it also has the ability to recognize an individual based on their voice command. Hence, this AI-powered speech recognition technology gained mammoth importance among tech giants such as Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Facebook, etc. Amazon Echo, Siri and Google Home are some of the apps and devices that flooded the market with speech recognition features.

Analyzing the tempo with AI

If we try to analyze the arrival of speech recognition technology, it will be evident that the pace at which it grew is remarkable. The level of accuracy also reached 95% since its inception which puts the technology almost in similar footing as normal communication. Along with reaching the accuracy level, it has become acceptable due to the support it got from giant companies. For example, Microsoft Windows added the voice feature in its update enabling users to dictate messages at the speed of normal human speech. Hence, secondary research confirmed the fact that by the end of 2020, the majority of the search engines will use voice technology to cater to the search requirement. Also, it is been predicted that in the years to come, the number of voice-activated smart speaker owners will increase. Already 2,600 voice apps are existing for consumers to download and use.

From visual to sound approach

From visual to an industry dealing with voice recognition, the technology is growing at a rapid pace, continuously benefiting out of it. This technological aspect of transcribing speech to text massively impacts the healthcare industry. For example, Dolbey helps to create electronic medical records for patients.

Also, companies dealing with law enforcement utilize the speech recognition technology to transcribe legal documents quickly and accurately. It is also used to document incident reports. Again, journalists use a reporting tool named Recordly to transcribe voice information to the written script. Sonix helps researchers transcribe interviews qualitatively.


With considerable advances in voice technologies, the users will now need to spend less time to conduct lengthy searches or to transcribe huge voice data to text transcripts. It is imperative that this new technology will also establish a new mark in building a brand through new age AI-enabled voice dynamics. More innovation in the field of speech recognition can offer the enterprises, a wide horizon of opportunity to explore from.


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